Sustainable actions in Buendía Corralejo to minimize our impact on the environment
Notourist, Nowaste
With the wind always at our back in Corralejo, we’ve created a WINd WINd situation for everyone: for our visitors, collaborators, and team members alike. Here at Buendía Corralejo, we take sustainable actions in Corralejo seriously to care for the incredible biosphere around us and work toward becoming fully sustainable. We know it’s a long journey, but we’re ready to start today and continue every day, doing all we can to minimize our impact on Corralejo.
Our sustainable actions include reducing plastic use and implementing a total recycling policy. At the Pool Bar, we prioritize local and kilometer-zero products to offer fresh breakfasts and lunches. We also reduce paper consumption and support social initiatives that benefit the local community.
Our goal is simple: we want to leave a positive, lasting impact on the environment in which we live and work. Together, we’re building a greener, more prosperous future for Corralejo and beyond!

Energy consumption
We regularly track energy consumption to measure our ecological footprint and work on a plan to c...
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Green areas
We take care of green areas as well as the flora and fauna of our surroundings. Together with the...
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Reducing plastic
We bet on generating as little plastic as possible. We have refillable bottles for hotel staff, e...
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Productos con Eco Label
We offer organic cosmetics as amenities in our no-hotel by collaborating with ADA Cosmetics to su...
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We understand recycling as a habit that cannot be abandoned because one is on vacation. On the ot...
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KM 0
More than 50% of the products consumed in the Pool & Drinks &Waves are KM 0, contributing to the ...
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Health & Sport
Together with our partner Synergy, we try to help our Buendiapeople feel more and more realized, ...
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0 Paper
By company policy we are reducing paper consumption to 0, gaining in: time, when processing infor...
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Giving material a second life
The use of materials that were to be discarded and that thanks to Buendía have a second life have...
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Biosphere awarded
Buendía has received several awards for its work and effort in offering customers more sustainabl...
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Human Rights
The human rights policy reflects Buendia Corralejo's commitment to carrying out its activities in...
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Art & Culture
Both Buendía and &Waves understand that bringing to our non-tourists the local culture in all its...
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Social Commitment
At Buendía we firmly believe in the protection and support of the rights of our employees, as wel...
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Quality Policy
We have as an overall goal to improve our services every day in terms of the quality and experien...
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